OST 300 / 300 спартанцев


•  A God King Bleeds
•  Come and Get Them
•  Cursed By Beauty
•  Fever Dream
•  Fight in the Shade
•  Glory
•  Goodbye My Love
•  Immortals Battle
•  Message for the Queen
•  No Mercy
•  No Sleep Tonight
•  Remember Us
•  Returns a King
•  Submission
•  The Agoge
•  The Council Chamber
•  The Ephors
•  The Hot Gates
•  The Wolf
•  To Victory
•  Tonight We Dine in Hell
•  Tree of the Dead
•  What Must a King Do?
•  Xerxes' Final Offer
•  Xerxes' Tent


Отредактировано Duck_X (2008-03-08 14:52:52)