Sakis Tolis (Ex-Rotting Christ)
Among The Fires Of Hell - 2022
1. My Salvation
2. Among The Fires Of Hell
3. The Dawn Of The New Age
4. We The Fallen Angel
5. Ad Astral
6. Live With Passion (Die With Honour)
7. I Name You Under Our Cult
8. The Silence
9. Nocturnal Hecate (Daemonia Nymphe cover)
(Χξς') - The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse (Revelation 5:7) - 2023
1. Χξς' - Seal 1-(Revelation 6:1-2)-The Antichrist
2. Χξς' - Seal 2-(Revelation 6:3-4)-The War On Εarth
3. Χξς' - Seal 3-(Revelation 6:5-6)-The Black Horse
4. Χξς' - Seal 4-(Revelation 6:7-8)-The Death
5. Χξς' - Seal 5 -(Revelation 6:9-11)-The Cry Of The Martyrs
6. Χξς' - Seal 6-(Revelation 6:12-17)-The Wrath Of God
7. Χξς' - Seal 7-(Revelation 8:1-6)-Silence In Heaven